Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Break...

We were blessed with a BEAUTIFUL white Christmas this year.  It was seriously the most prettiest Christmas I can remember.  Huge flakes fell all of Christmas eve and we ended with 4(ish) inches.  PERFECTION!

The aviation team putting together the lego airplane.

Final product.

BB gun shooting.  Jackson did awesome!  (that's what Nate says at least... and I saw the pepsi can with holes)


Mommy & Jackson

This boy could quite possibly live in the snow.  He LOVES it and is always the last one to come inside.


kera said...

We too had a white Christmas and you KNOW that is a rarity here! The girls were rolling around in it all afternoon like dogs! Hilarious! Jon and I took them sledding the day after Christmas and we had a sledding contest with our friends going down head first and I was on Jon's back like you and the kids! SO FUN!

Anonymous said...

The pic of JDC & Addison is perfect!! You totally nailed a perfect kiddo shot!!