Thursday, September 18, 2008

Camping Trip

We met our friends from Milwaukee 1/2 way and went camping this past weekend (we left Addison at home w/ Nana & Papa). When we realized it was going to rain all weekend we decided on cabins w/ kichens. BRILLANT plan! The rain didn't hinder the kids at all- and they had a blast. We were the only ones on this private cabin area so the kids had run of the place- and the adults got some great "adult time" talking. The rain mostly ended on Sat. night and I got my bonfire. Jackson misses Sophia and Olivia so much. We'll be planning another Iowa camping trip real soon.

Wedding Weekend

Two weeks ago my cousin Scott married his beautiful bride, Silva. We had a bunch of family come in (Dad's side) and had a great weekend. All of my grandpa's grandkids and great-grandkids (13 including one in belly that just popped out tuesday). It was the first time that all the great-grandkids got together and they had a blast.