Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Florida 10- Part 1 Orlando!

We (kids & I- daddy to join the second week) started our 2 week Florida vacation on Valentine's Day.  Our plane stopped for a load & unload in Birmingham and then off to Orlando.  The kids did perfect on the plane.  Addison took a nap and Jackson as always is mesmerized by flying and anything to do with airplanes or being in the air.

First stop- Orlando.  To visit and spend quality time with my girlfriend Kirsten and her family.  She had to work while we were there (saving her time for baby Zander in 4 weeks).  So, me and the kids kept Riley (almost 3) home from daycare to play with us.  The worst part is that Jackson started running a fever and got very sick within an hour of us being there.  He had a low key few days and did exactly what we wanted to do- play with Riley and spend time with them.  Riley & Addison HIT IT OFF immediately and played like sisters.  By day two they were arguing like sisters too.  Jackson, when he felt up to it would referee the two.

on the plane.

Riley- at the park.  We packed a picnic too but ate in the car since it was so cold!

Jackson & his girls.

We had planned to take perfect Valentine pictures with the girls & jackson.  Got new shirts and matching hair bows.  That night (the last one of course) I couldn't get either of the camera's to work- take or focus. The kids were perfect for a long time but still couldn't get a good shot :(

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