Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb.17 2011

Yesterday, Ashton & I were both diagnosed with strep throat.  Today, we got to spend some time together.  I had been in bed for 2 days straight (not including a few days last week too when I was just thinking I had a cold) and so as soon as the ibuprofen & antibiotics kicked in this afternoon we had to get out of the house.  We had a record high of 74 today.  We did a short exploring adventure (as much as two sicky's can manage), played UNO (outside), puzzles and built a car something-or-other.

I love this boy SO much!  I love that I was too sick to worry about laundry, cleaning or anything else but  just laying around and enjoying time with my first born nephew!

1 comment:

kera said...

awwww it's rare to get a 1:1 day with a nephew/niece huh?! i don't remember the last time i had one with do list! hope you guys are on the up and up! MAN these sicknesses are the pits! love you 2~