Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Colson's visit!

Our friends, the Colson's came to visit us- all the way from Milwaukee in April.  We had a fun packed filled few days.  Most of the time we were very laid back- not much planned.  The kids had a blast just playing around the house- finding frogs, digging in the dirt, playing games and just enjoying each other.  Jackson & Addison LOVED having a HUGE sleepover in Addison's room.  We fit (barely) all four mattresses in there and even though they didn't get the most sleep possible they had fun and made some memories!

Here are some memories.

The park.

Cute girls- Addison, Olivia & Sophia

We forced the kids into these "set up" pictures.  They did amazingly well for being at a huge playground with all the slides, swings and hanging things to distract them!

Addison & Olivia.  Most the time they loved each other like this picture.  A few times they argued like sisters!
Kite flying.  Sophia helping Addison.  She was SO sweet and big sisterly to Addison the whole time they were here.

This is at "tons of trucks" where you can sit on & pretend to drive nearly every sort of truck or tractor known to man.  I love this picture w/ Kirsten & Jackson.

All the kids at Tons of Trucks.

In the back of a really cool police swat vehicle.

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