Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Month of September

Wow, time flys. I cannot believe its been a month since I've blogged. A lot is happening. Nathan & I finished our first triathlon. Finished. Not raced- well, Nathan raced and I finished! It was grueling but I think I've forgotten exactly how tough it was because I'm already thinking of what to sign up for next. The kiddo's are busy. Addison is not only pulling up now but cruising on things. She grabbed ahold of Jackson's rocking chair the other day and started pushing it and taking steps. I can't seem to distract her when her mind is on something she wants- she MUST have it. She wants to do everything that big brother is doing. I've been working on her waving bye-bye and the other day we were leaving Gram's house and I just turned to wave bye to everyone and she started waving perfectly! Then I said "bye-bye" and she goes "ba-ba". I couldn't believe it. I knew she was close to doing something but had no idea she would wave so well and no idea that she would actually say bye-bye! Jackson is just happy with playing at the "new lot" which is now a house but he still refers to it as the "new lot". He is getting to be a little bossy & snotty at times. I've been warned that age 3 can bring on all sorts of things- and I slowly see them coming on. He can still be the sweetest little boy ever- like last night he was getting ready for bedtime and we were watching Bob and he asked me- "snuggle with me, mommy"! I dropped EVERYTHING and came runnin'! A week or so ago we were driving around Sat. evening and our car started acting crazy (while attempting to get onto a highway at 70 mph). Nathan quickly got it to the side of the road and it started vibrating VERY badly. Jackson is in the backseat whining "i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home....". This started MANY discussions about mommy's "broken" truck. Thank goodness for extended warranties- it is still in the shop getting a whole new engine block. This past weekend was Will's (Jackson's buddy) birthday party. Dee rented a bounce house for the kids. They had a blast. Jackson asked yesterday if the bouncey was still at Dee's house. Even Addison enjoyed it- sitting on our lap watching the kids (which was dangerous enough).

1 comment:

Beth said...

glad to see you back.