We had our first Zoo day of the season! Heather heard that it was going to be 70+ degrees out on Wednesday (and only Wed.) so we took advantage. We didn't tell the kids until they woke up that morning. Smart because as soon as Jackson found out he could barely wait the hour to get ready!

It was the perfect day (75 degrees and sunny). All the amimals were out- either sleeping or playing -able to be seen at least. The Hippo's put on quite the show and were the boys favorite. Addison liked the giraffe's and penguins. She growled at everything even though Ashton told her the giraffe's didn't growl!

I must admit something... Addison has become a sweet, sweet, loving little girl. She does have her tough moments but over the past 2 weeks she has been so sweet. Almost snuggly at times! She is also warming her daddy's heart and VERY quickly becoming a daddy's girl. I can see him melt when she runs up to him as he comes home from work or when he chooses him over mommy. errrr. She is very smart. :)
Jackson is enjoying preschool very much these days. He tells me about the boys that don't like him- but I have quickly figured out that he is ultra sensitive and it doesn't mean that they are being mean to him but might mean that they don't run up and hug him- or tell him they are friends. I'm afraid he might be bullied in school- except that won't happen with Ashton (or his sister) by his side!
Tonight I was telling Nathan to go let Jake (dog) inside/clean his paws because it was cold outside. We were joking around with each other and Jackson thought we were being mean. So, he tells me quite frankly "mommy, you are being mean to daddy" and then rambles on (while still playing with his toys) "well, sometimes we have to be cold...". It was more of his drawn out conclusion of our conversation that was so hilarious. He has Nathan's dry sense of humor and it is really starting to show (show off!).
We're looking forward to starting swim lessons April 1st. This will get us ready for summer and the beach club! I know Addison will be a fish just like her brother. One of the biggest reasons I want to get her some survival skills before summer begins! She isn't afraid of anything.
We're also looking forward to a big trip to Austin, Texas. Nathan & Phil have meetings so Heather, me and the kids are going to spend five days with our cousins (that also have 3 kids close in age to ours) that live there. We'll also hit Sea World while we're there!
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