We've had an eventful few days. Jackson stayed home from pre school on Thursday- sick. When I got home he had just gone down for a nap but I decided to go in and see him anyway. Joan had told me that he was wheezing so I wanted to see/hear for myself. I went in and he was breathing so quickly and shallow. Something in me told me that I wanted to see him more- so I had him get up and come into the living room. I watched him for a few minutes and knew I needed to take him to the doctor.
He was having an asthma attack! We came home with a breathing treatment and steriods. Dr. W said that we will not call it asthma yet because many kids have a one time attack but if it happens a few more times before summer then we'll have to talk more seriously about asthma.
I don't like to admit this (and didn't of course to dr. w!) but Jackson was still sleeping with a binky. I couldn't let him do it with his breathing the way it was. Nate & I had been procrastinating getting rid of it anyway so this was the perfect time. It has been a rough few days but he has officially slept 4x without it! We had a party last night and he got to invite friends & family. I picked up balloons and got him a race rig (semi truck) w/ race car. So, we are a binky-free family and it feels great!
The kids all went to Nana's house yesterday morning for painting easter eggs and an egg hunt. They all had a blast and came home very painted- and energized!
Tomorrow we head to our Aunt, Uncles and cousins house for lunch and an egg hunt. The kids will have such a fantastic time.
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