Here is our superstar... along with many other names we call her- monster, turkey, crazy, wild child and on occasion we call her sweetie. We have quickly learned that she is not or never will be as easy as Jackson. However, we love her the same.
She wants to do things when she wants and how she wants. period.
We are ready for spring. We got a taste of it on Sunday when the temperature reached 74 degrees. We spent the day outside playing. And then came Monday when the high was 36 degrees. I barely understood- and Addison REALLY didn't understand why she couldn't go outside. Jackson asks daily if it is warm enough to go to the zoo.
The other day Jackson & Addison were standing together and Nathan & I over heard Addison laughing and Jackson kept saying "its NOT funny" and then Addison would laugh harder and Jackson would say more defiantly "its N-O-T funny" and Addison would just crack up even more. I have no idea what it was about- I think that was it.
Jackson is growing smarter by the day- and constantly amazes us with something else he knows. He's super great with numbers and is growing daily in his knowledge with the alphabet. He got done with preschool today and said, "mommy, I love preschool". Most the time he won't tell us what he did in pre-k. He'll just say, "I'll tell you on Saturday...".
Looking forward to some warm days to play outside, head to the zoo, go to the park and barbeque...
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