Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have started a journey.  It began a few weeks ago when I started this book study.  The book is called One Thousand Gifts and it challenges you to create a thankful list (of 1000 gifts) of your own.  So, I have started my list.  I will  blog every once in a while (my goal is once per week) about a few of my grateful things.  They are extremely random.  I have so many obvious things to be thankful for.  I love to think of the not-so-obvious things in my life.  And to find gratitude in the smallest of things.

Here we go:

A tough girl.  That can play with 4 older boys for hours.

Living in the semi-country on 3 acres where my kids can explore and have a creek and dirt and sticks.

Game night.  

Sunshine on a cool, crisp winter day.  Spring it coming!

Cooking in my big kitchen.  

Christian music.  I never knew there were such amazing christian artist.

Co-op dinners w/ sister (and neighbor).

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