Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Indian Reservation.

Our last morning there the sun FINALLY came out and we had a fun morning playing around the camper and enjoying each other and the sunshine.  It was hard to leave but we knew we'd see g&g in a few days down in the Keys.  And we were very excited to pick daddy up at the airport.

While at the campground we got to play mini-golf, shuffle board, grandpas home made breakfast and plenty of special conversations.  One morning I had to go on an 8 mile run and the kids were up early.  Before 8am Jackson wanted to go outside and play and Grandma told him it was too early and he replies "well, my mommy told me I was here to have fun".   Not my typical sweet Jackson!  G&G put up with our rowdy gang very well!

Addison showing off her wings.

Addi & Grandma.  They became very close in these 2 days spent together.

Grandpa & Jackson.  Another close pair.

We are definitely coming back!

Everglade fun- Alligator style!

G&G stay 4 months on an Indian Reservation in the Everglades.  About 3 miles from their camper is Billie's Swamp- air boat rides, big swamp buggy rides and some more animals and indian life.

It was SO fun.

Here is our air boat we rode on.  The kids were a little nervous about the noise (it was VERY noisy) but ended up being a favorite.

They don't look so excited!  Just tired of waiting!


The swamp made me feel like I was in the movies.  Princess & the Frog?!  We found a bunch of Raccoons.

Not sure if you can see the baby alligator on the log. So little.

Our boat driver- Stephen.  His sole mission was to get Addison to smile.  He succeeded.


Kuma- the bear.

Addi being silly.

our Swamp buggy!

Florida 10- Part 2 G&G Everglades

We started our second journey of the trip on Thursday.  Headed down to the Everglades to spend some special time with Grandma & Grandpa.  We woke up early and met them at the Lion Country Safari.  As soon as Grandma heard we were coming she named several "must do's" on our trip.  This was definitely one of them.  We hopped in their car and drove through a 4 mile park of animals.  It was AMAZING!  Animals came right up to our window.

The second part of the park is a theme park type where they have rides, fun food and other great things for kids.

This guy was hilarious!  He just wondered around- head down and didn't care who was in his way- they had to move.

I couldn't believe it when I saw that Addison was tall enough to ride this ride by herself!!  Jackson took her for a great ride! I was a little surprised that she wasn't nervous. Of course, she had a smile the entire ride!

Another ride.  A little too small for Jackson.

For $2.50 we got to feed this Giraffe a leaf!  Jackson loved it- Addison was too nervous.

Ferris Wheel!  The kids LOVED IT!  I was VERY nervous when we got up to the top.  You sit at the top a while because they have to load & unload people!  

I had to keep yelling at them to sit on their bottoms!  Ok, maybe not yelling but I was SO nervous and they were SO excited!

Out of a bunch of animals these were Jackson's favorite.  He loves parrots or any type of pretty bird.

The Lions were the only ones that had a double fence between us.  They looked harmless just sacked out sleeping.  They were beautiful.

Florida 10- Part 1 Orlando!

We (kids & I- daddy to join the second week) started our 2 week Florida vacation on Valentine's Day.  Our plane stopped for a load & unload in Birmingham and then off to Orlando.  The kids did perfect on the plane.  Addison took a nap and Jackson as always is mesmerized by flying and anything to do with airplanes or being in the air.

First stop- Orlando.  To visit and spend quality time with my girlfriend Kirsten and her family.  She had to work while we were there (saving her time for baby Zander in 4 weeks).  So, me and the kids kept Riley (almost 3) home from daycare to play with us.  The worst part is that Jackson started running a fever and got very sick within an hour of us being there.  He had a low key few days and did exactly what we wanted to do- play with Riley and spend time with them.  Riley & Addison HIT IT OFF immediately and played like sisters.  By day two they were arguing like sisters too.  Jackson, when he felt up to it would referee the two.

on the plane.

Riley- at the park.  We packed a picnic too but ate in the car since it was so cold!

Jackson & his girls.

We had planned to take perfect Valentine pictures with the girls & jackson.  Got new shirts and matching hair bows.  That night (the last one of course) I couldn't get either of the camera's to work- take or focus. The kids were perfect for a long time but still couldn't get a good shot :(

Monday, February 1, 2010

Supergirl turns 3!

My beautiful, imaginative, creative, stubborn, lovable, sweet, caring SUPERGIRL turned 3!  We had a fabulous party a few days before her actual birth day (which was confusing and made her believe her birthday lasted nearly forever- which of course is exactly how her mommy does it :) ).

We met a bunch of friends at Flipz USA and had a super fun gymnastics party!  Addison had so much fun and couldn't stop talking about it.

I didn't get a ton of pictures- I was WAY too busy playing myself!  I love that place!

My Supergirl.

She was SO excited to swing on this rope. 

Auntie enjoying herself & watching the kids have fun!

Our Parker boy.  Always has a great smile to pose.

She loved the balance beam this night.  Which is funny because when she took lessons last year she did not like it at all.

Jackson enjoyed himself to the MAX!  He was sweating within minutes of being there!  I got some great shots of him jumping!  I have no idea how he poses so well while jumping so high!


Ashton climbing.

Our friend Kristin & her 5 yr old Jordan.  All smiles!

Just precious!

The purple twins.

The birthday gang in the foam pit.

The first birthday cake I have bought instead of made.  It made it so much easier!  And turned out cute.

Just cake and juice.

Presents!  and a bunch of helpers.

Birthday supergirl/princess.

The afterparty... on her new tinkerbell sheets & blanket.  We got home and she was ripping her blankets off her bed and putting her new stuff on.  She LOVES her new bed!  Thank you Allens!