We are having such a fun time w/ swimming lessons this year. I cannot believe how good Jackson & Addison are! The pictures below say it all. Jackson is leaping (with poses) off the diving board and going down the water slide and swimming to the edge (without a lifeguard catching him), Addison is jumping off the diving board and is now going down the HUGE waterslide by herself. Not to mention they are both swimming so great in their classes. They both enjoy Friday Fun Day the best! And about 1/2 the time we stay after lessons, have a picnic, Gram joins us all and we continue to play at the pool.
Addison just moved from level 1 to level 2- the big kids (Parker's class). The big boys are in level 3 and doing awesome swimming all by themselves a long ways! I'm just amazed at their progress.
It has been such a fun summer!