We had a fun day even though Daddy was on a business trip. We met Heather & boys (and both grandma's) and our friend Deidre and son Will at "Going Bonkers" this morning. The kids had a blast and got worn out just in time for afternoon naps. We finished the day by going out to dinner with cake & ice cream. The big boys don't care who's birthday it is just as long as there is cake & ice cream. They all sang Happy Birthday to Addison in unison. It was quite cute.
The chair in the picture is her birthday present. She loves chairs and this one has been put to great use in the first day so I know it will be well worth the money.
We had her birthday party this past Sunday. She was sick so she wasn't quite herself but at least she wasn't a total grouch. We had a bounce house in the basement for the older kids. Before Addison was born we barely knew 1 little girl but we had 4 girls under 1 year at the party. Riley, Addison's best friend, came all the way from Florida to visit and be at her party. We had a great visit with them and it was sad to see them go home. We are so excited to go visit them and Mickey Mouse in the fall.
She is walking in full force now. Still a little wobbly but it is her primary way of getting places now. Another love for her lately is stairs. Nana has gotten her very spoiled and its about all she wants to do lately. She gets very angry at gates that try to stop her.
Jackson is just about the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. He's super sweet and never wants her to go to bed or nap without hugs and kisses. We're working on sharing and making him realize that she doesn't know how to be gentle with his things. He is particular about his toys and she comes through like a tornado.
Jackson loves preschool and they keep telling me how sweet he is. He's starting to learn his letters and how to draw letters and numbers. He amazes us daily with his vocabulary and just his funny charm.
Life is hectic and busy for some reason but so much fun.