Thursday, March 29, 2007
Mr. Bossy
So... I'm learning. Age 2 brings tantrums- and 2 1/2 brings bossiness. The other day Jackson was telling me that I could not take a nap- him & his sister would take a nap- and I was to make him dinner. hmmm... This morning he asked what I was making him for breakfast. Another new bossy term is "I have to". We told him last night not to throw the rocks- he responds "I have to". That turned out to be his response for almost everything we asked last night.
Can't wait to see what age 3 holds!
Little Miss Addison has decided in the last week that she doesn't like to sleep much anymore. Saturday was awful- she was awake from 130pm till 10pm at night just fighting us all the way. And the longer it went- of course- the more she fought sleep. I've started really watching her and her signs of tiredness b/c when she goes too long b/t naps she is a bear to get to sleep.
We've started a night time routine that seems to be working well. Its amazing how quickly she catches on. We started it in full force on Sunday night- where we do bath, turn down the lights, feed, rock and bed. We start right around 730pm and she knows whats going on already. Consistency is key for babies/children.
Just an update on my precious little children :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Addison at 2 months
She didn't make me as proud as I thought she was going to! ONLY 13lbs 6oz of love! Jackson was 15lbs 5oz at 2 months. She did still make it off the charts- 100% in weight, 95% in height (23 1/4") and 50% in head. I grow em' well! Dr. Weidt thought she was beautiful (of course!).
She is smiling so much more in the past 2 days- more alert and more wakeful periods. And, the best news of all.... she slept 8 hours last night! I, of course, wasn't sleeping- worried about her sleeping!! She got a lot of shots yesterday so I'm sure that played a role in her sleeping so well. We shall see tonight.
She's sweeter & cuter by the day.
Stand off
The stand off ended tonight. After a long battle today & tonight Jackson pooped again...
after 3 days. We raced to the potty at least 30 times today (i'm not even exaggerating! it was probably more!)- he always looked/acted like this was it but would tense up when we got there and say "its just gas, mommy" or "I don't have to go yet". But after about 2- 15 minute tries this evening WE GOT POOP. And lots of it! Poor kid- he must have been hurting- which I'm sure made it even more difficult to go in the end. I was promising him anything he wanted- in the end he got a sucker, juice and tippin' tractor (from Cars, of course).
Monday, March 19, 2007
Addison update
Addison is growing- seems like a pound a day... and could be! We got for her 2 month check up on Thursday and I'm sure she'll be just as heavy as her brother was at 2 months (15lbs 2oz).
She continues to spit up- seems like 1/2 her meal each meal. Obviously its not damaging her growth.
I am starting to see a schedule developing and trying to help her with it. Over the weekend we were able to lay her down in her crib- awake- and she'd put herself to sleep. Just hoping she will be just as easy a sleeper as her brother.
She is really starting to be alert and just watch your face when you talk to her and starting to respond back to you- with a smile or coo. It's so sweet to watch.
Day 10 of potty training:
It was quite the sight. He came to me like he had in the days passed and said he had pooped- which usually means he just pooped in his pants. We rushed to the potty (mind you, I'm feeding Addison at exactly this same moment), I laid Addison on the floor while I pulled his pants down and there was just a little poop in his pants so I set him on the potty. I picked Addison (now screaming wanting more food) back up and started reading a book to Jackson. He gets a look on his face and starts getting scared/nervous and wanting me to hold his hand. I look down and WE HAVE POOP going into the BIG potty!
Daddy came home right then to witness. It was a remarkable moment and I don't think I've been this happy! The mothers reading this will be able to appreciate this moment!
We got Jackson a Sally (from the movie Cars, of course) pillow at Walmart the other day and put it on the counter for him to look at everyday to help motivate. Maybe it worked!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Let the mess begin...

Does this picture just make you want to cry?! I started tearing up when I first saw him in his big boy underwear. The 2nd picture to this is his backside- plastered with Mack (from Cars movie). Just to die for cute.
Its been 7 days since we started. He has not pooped on the potty yet. Several times in his big boy underwear though! Usually when we're NOT at home. Luckily, Nathan has usually been with us! The pottying is going good- he has gone 2 days without messing up once. The rest of the days have been only 1 mess up for each day.
We're not giving up though! Which is very hard at times. Jackson LOVES to drink! When you give him a sippy its drained within minutes so it makes for a long few hours afterwards.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Meet Addison...
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